What's New at St. Paul's?
CONGREGATION VOTE TO REPAIR SACRITSTY ROOF September 7 & 8 For a number of years, we had problems with water leaking around the area where the tower is attached to the nave of St. Paul’s. It damaged the plaster in the arch and leaked into the pipes chamber. Finally in early 2022 we engaged Durable Slate to replace copper flashing and fabricate new drainage devices. The work has appeared to be very satisfactory. At the time this work was done, we were told that the copper sacristy roof was nearing the end of its useful life. In December 2023 water began leaking through the roof and into the sacristy. Durable Slate was contacted to diagnose the problem. Their representative did some caulking on areas where the copper roofing had developed holes and also fabricated a top for the vent stack to keep water from entering. At that time the property committee asked Durable Slate to prepare an estimate for replacing the copper roof with a steel standing seam roof. It has now been about 2 ½ years since we were originally told that the copper roof was in poor shape. Before another winter the property committee and council would like to propose that: St. Paul’s congregation will engage the Durable Slate Company to remove the existing copper roof above the sacristy and replace it with a steel standing seam roof. The contract will include repair or replacing gutters, drains, slates, underlayment, etc. as needed in the area. The cost is not to exceed $55,000. The contract specifies that materials removed become the property of the contractor. The church will appropriate $30,000 from savings and ask the congregation to donate the balance.​
HAPPY BIRTHDAY?? Yes, we're coming up on a big one. This October will be St. Paul's 140th anniversary. If you'd like to share your ideas for how we commemorate this event, or if you'd like to be involved in planning, please talk to one of the council members.
"My Offering" - Online Giving​
Online giving is now available at St. Paul's.​
Please click on the green button in the header above
which will take you to the page with the giving form.
Complete the form, Click Donate,
Fill in your Credit Card Information, Click Pay Now
and you're all set! You will receive an email confirmation.
(You may give anywhere from $10 to $500 in a single transaction).
EVERYONE IS WELCOME to experience the fellowship we offer by joining us for coffee/tea & occasional snack before or after the 10 a.m. Church Service in the lobby of the educational building each week.
If you are in need of pastoral care, a friendly visit, or would like communion brought to your home, please contact the office and leave a message with Jodie between the hours of 10 and 2. Thanks! ​​
The food pantry collection barrel is currently located across from the office. The needs for this month are any foods that can be prepared by a child. Peanut butter and jelly, ramen noodles, mac and cheese cups, etc. Please no clothing items. As always, all donations are welcome. If you wish to give a monetary donation, mark your offering envelope designated to the “Food Pantry”.​
Three Church Farm-Our Own Outdoor Campground
Do you need a place for a family reunion, overnight camping,
weekend camping or just a family picnic?
Then The Three Church Farm is the place for you!
This is a beautiful hilltop area on Flint Ridge which was donated to St. Paul’s, St. John’s, Trinity and Christ Lutheran Churches by the late judge, Virginia Weiss. We at St. Paul’s help maintain this area during the year with mowing, cleanup and overall maintenance. Shelter House, picnic area, restroom facilities, water and sporting equipment is available with your reservation. Last year, the farm was only used 40 times with a lot of open dates. This facility is more than the October Ox Roast and needs to be used. No cost involved.
For reservations, check the calendar on Christ Lutheran Church web page. Click on Four Church Farm for the calendar, then call the church secretary at Christ Lutheran, 740-522-4505, for your reservation.